Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Conservatives freak out after mistaking soccer jersey for ‘Muslim prayer rug’ left at border

Adding to unfounded worries that immigrant children attempting to enter the U.S. are reintroducing a panoply of diseases such as Ebola and dengue fever, conservatives grew more agitated yesterday after “American security contractors”  found what they believed to be a “Muslim prayer rug” abandoned near the Arizona border. According to Adam Weinstein at Gawker, the “rug” is actually a diamond-patterned Adidas soccer jersey. A spokesperson for American Patriot, Three Percent — a self-styled militia patrolling the Mexican/U.S. border — contacted Breitbart.com  and relayed the discovery of the ‘rug’ Monday night, just south of Sierra Vista in Coronado national forest.

According to  the spokesman,  Matthew Leber, the “patrol” was walking through a wash when he spied something on the ground. “That’s when I saw this thing laying around. And I was like, ‘What the hell is that?’ We walked over there and I didn’t really want to pull at it not knowing what was on it, ” Leber said.  “I poked a bit at it with a stick and noticed some of the Arabic writing and was just like, ‘Oh boy.’ I snapped a couple of photos and then went on our patrol.” Leber did not indicate whether he considered picking up the ‘rug’ and turning it over to Homeland Security. As Weinstein notes, a quick glance at the picture sent to Breitbart by Leber clearly shows a sleeve and the distinctive Adidas three-stripe logo.

Conservatives have recently become alarmed as conspiracy sites like World Net Daily have reported that Mexican drug cartels have formed partnerships with Islamic terrorist group ISIS, leading some to believe the cartels are helping sneak terrorists into the U.S. via Mexico. Breitbart recently reported that the same militia group told them that the U.S. Border Patrol had  picked up six “Special Interest Aliens” near Laredo, Texas, each one carrying 60,000 Iraqi dinars apiece. 60,000 dinars is equal to $51 in U.S. currency.



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